


Division Head

Project Research Fellow

Visiting Research Fellow

Research Fellow(joint appointment)

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow


Director:Yu-Heng Tseng / Professor (

Field:High performance computing, Oceanic and atmospheric modeling, Earth system modeling, Climate change, Air-sea interaction, Turbulence modeling

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Division Head:Chih-Chieh Su (

Field:Radiochemistry, Uranium Series Disequilibrium, Geochemistry, Marine Sedimentology

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Division Head:Yiing-Jang Yang (

Field:Physical Oceanography, Internal Wave, Filed Observation, Equatorial Oceanography

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Division Head:Jen-Hwa Guo (

Field:System design of underwater robots, Biomimetic underwater vehicles navigation and control, Unmanned ocean vehicles formation control

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Division Head:Chi-Ting Tsai (

Field:Law of the sea, Public international law, Constitution, International human rights

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Project Research Fellow:Char-Shine Liu (

Field:Geophysical Prospection, Marine Seismic Investigation, Marine Geology and Geophysics, Plate Tectonics

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Project Research Fellow:Nai-Kuang Liang (

Field:Ocean engineering, Ocean wave, Harbor engineering

Personal Website

Project Research Fellow:Joe Wang (

Field:Physical Oceanography, Air-Sea Interaction

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Project Research Fellow:Keh-Ming Shyue (

Field:Mathematical modeling and computational methods for compressible multiphase flow and dispersive wave problems, Adaptive moving-mesh and front-tracking method for hyperbolic problems

Personal Website

Project Research Fellow:Yi-Fei Chu

Field:Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean-Wave Modeling System, Data Assimilation

Project Assistant Research Fellow:Ming-En Hsieh (

Field:Development of numerical model, Data assimilation, boundary layer meteorology

Project Assistant Research Fellow:Wan-Ling Tseng

Field:Attribution of extreme climate events, Ocean-atmosphere interaction, Global circulation model and data diagnostics

Visiting Research Fellow:Yang-Yao Niu (

Field:Two-phase fluid mechanics, Energy engineering, Computational Fluid Dynamics

Visiting Research Fellow:Wen-Wei Liao

Field:Computer Science

Visiting Associate Research Fellow:Chiung-Wen Chang (

Field:General circulation of the atmosphere and oceans, Intraseasonal variability in the atmosphere-ocean climate system and its biological impacts, Climate variability and global warming

Research Fellow (joint appointment):Chen-Fen Huang (

Field:Acoustical Oceanography, Computational Ocean Acoustics, Array signal processing

Personal Website

Research Fellow (joint appointment):Wei-Jen Chen (

Field:Evolutionary biology, Molecular phylogenetics, Ichthyology, Biodiversity, Population genetics

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Research Fellow (joint appointment):Yi-Ju Chou (

Field:Environmental fluid mechanics, Computational fluid dynamics, Fluid stability

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Research Fellow (joint appointment):Ming-Huei Chang (

Field:Physical oceanography, Internal waves, Oceanic turbulence mixing, Current-topography (island) interactions

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Research Fellow (joint appointment):Chia-Ying Ko (

Field:Global Change Biology, Big Data & Long-Term Data Analysis, Interdisciplinary & Transdisciplinary Sciences, Ecological Modeling, Biogeography, Macroecology, Ecosystem Dynamics & Service

Personal Website

Associate Research Fellow (joint appointment):Vianney Denis (

Field:Coral reefs, Ecosystem resilience, Functional ecology, Acclimatization and adaption capacities, Anthropogenic disturbance, Environmental changes

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Associate Research Fellow (joint appointment):Ho-Han Hsu (

Field:Marine geology and geophysics, Geophysical prospecting, Seismic data processing, Seismic stratigraphy, Topographic mapping

Personal Website

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow:Hsien-Hsiang Hsieh (

Field:Gravimetry, Magnetism, Simulation of plate tectonics

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow:Liang-Fu Lin (

Field:Geophysical prospecting, System of deep-sea sedimentation, Plate tectonics

Administration:Ming-Chi Huang (